Fighting for a Cause – People Magazine, Just Jared & Daily Mail UK

October 27, 2019 ,

Hugh Jackman on the Red Carpet at #PFCRound5

Have you seen the amazing press coverage for Philly Fights Cancer?

In you’ll get to see Hugh Jackman on the red carpet at the Philly Fights Cancer Round 5 Gala! And just a fun note about his arrival on the carpet, as we were walking Hugh into the meet and greet area he stepped inside, turned to his manager and said “Wow, I am way underdressed! Please get me my jacket!” As only a true man of style could do, Hugh slipped the jacket on over his T-shirt [with his new coffee shop logo] and dazzled everyone with his personality, warmth, and yes, STYLE.

Philadelphia loved having you Hugh, as well as John Mulaney, and Andy Grammer. All three gave incredible performances at the gala!

With Gratitude

We thank you all for helping to make #PFCRound5 an amazing success with almost $13 million dollars raised and pledged!